
In chile, especifically in santiago the people to work in enclosed spaces , minimun eigth hour on day, in job with a high demand, a lot time for lunch, to sum up the jobs in this country is sacrificed.
i want that my life to be diferent
i want a job extreme!!
My ideal job is in Africa ..
yes in africa with the nature ,free animals, clear air...
but, Even if I wanted to go, i can not , i need money T_T
So, I will not be able to go to africa ...still
i want a job that is from Monday to Friday and with a work schedule of eight hours because i want to have children and need time for to be mother!
I like that my boss is nice , young , as a friend for me
I want work in therapy for animals in rehabilitation of small and big animals. Help after of a traumatic experince .
I like the crafts and maybe i can do orthopedic implement. For example some mechanism for that horses with laiminitis not suffer.
i want to work outside of santiago in the southern..

I do not know !!

My favorite subject is histología.
the histología is the study of the microscopic anatomy of cells and tissues of animals and plants.
is very interesting, and in this subject have two methods of study , the first form is theory class and the second form is practical laboratory , in here everyone has their own microscope and is very exciting can see the tissues on a microscopic size. Is so magical to see the tissue , the colors , shapes, is another world .
Also in this subject study embryology that is a science which is about the development of an embryo from the fertilization of the ovum to the fetus stage. Embryology is very important for understand all the other subject related with biology .
The professor of the subject is Maria Soledad Fernandez.
But I must say that the professor Maria Soledad is the best professor of the whole university , she is concerned by their students, interesting , entertaining . she think that each student is like your child .
In this subject i am comfortable and very happy.

Dian Fossey was born in San Francisco, California in 1932
she became interested in studying mountain gorillas.
In 1967, Fossey began observing gorillas in karisoke. She lived there for almost 18 years among the gorillas, and eventually earned their complete trust. She was the first person to have voluntary contact with a gorilla, when one of them touched her hand. She was able to sit amongst them and play with them and their young.
Fossey was able to learn a great deal about mountain gorillas during her stay there. We now know much more about gorillas behavior and their relationship to humans as a result of her work.
A few years later, the gorillas of Dian Fossey were killed by poachers. In response to this, she started a campaign against gorilla poaching.
she established the Digit Fund and dedicated her life to saving the gorillas.
she accepted a job at Cornell University and started writing her book Gorillas in the Mist, which was eventually made into a movie.
After finishing the book, she returned to Karisoke to continue her work with the gorillas.
The fossey work has raised the world is awareness to the dangers faced by the mountain gorilla.
in 1985, Dian Fossey was found murdered in her cabin. Her death is still unsolved
the Mountain gorillas are now protected by the government and by other international organizations.

I like Dian Fossey because she was a woman that loved to the animals and she sacrificed her life for understand and help gorillas .
Fossey become interesting when I saw the movie Gorillas in the Mist: The Story of Dian Fossey this film is very special for me.

i did not know that study.

now know...

I found out about it through my sister, she say karina!! your have soul of veterinary
and here i am.

I choose veterinary because i love animals, another the animals and
i want a carrer extreme , i do not want work in a office sitting all day
in here in veterinary i can work from a clinic until in the free air .
Veterinary medicine is about prevention, cure and alleviation of diseases of animals.
On a typical day a veterinarian work with small animals, for example dogs, cats, birds in diagnostic of animal with health problems, repair fractures,vaccinate against diseases or perform surgery but also you can work for organizations in the cure of the environment with wild animals.
I want to be a specialist in cats .
the carrer during five years.
is difficult study in here because the teachers are very demanding , apart the university is far far far away from my house.
i have great expectations in this carrer .
i know that not earn big money, but when help to amimal i will be happy

i am hurt.

at 13:13 Posted by karina 1 Comment

at 13:05 Posted by karina 0 Comments

at 12:26 Posted by karina 0 Comments


I am karina yevenes and have 19 years old

Im from the university of chile. i am a student of veterinary medicine

i live in renca santiago

i have one sister. she also study in the university of chile

in my house i have seven pets!! and they are very important for my

i like listening to music, my favorite musicis is the j-rock, electronick , trip hop, brith pop . i love the music !!

i like play " dance dance revolution" with my friends , also i like to draw, draw, draw and paint my draw XD


go let it out
